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fear1, m. (gs. & npl. fir, gpl. ~; pl. forms ~a, ~aibh, used in certain phrases). 1. Man. (a) ~ singil, pósta, single, married, man. ~ gaoil, male relative. ~ m’ainm, mo chine, my namesake, kinsman. ~ cathrach, sléibhe, farraige, city, mountainy, seafaring, man. ~ tíre, tuaithe, countryman. ~ mo thíre, my fellow-countryman. ~ cothrom tíre, ordinary (country)man; average man. ~ báid, coille, guail, boatman, woodsman, coalman. ~ leabhar, booklover, book-dealer. ~ an leabhair, the man in charge of the (accounts, attendance) book. ~ prátaí, potato-grower, -dealer; potato -inspector. ~ ceoil, dlí, leighis, musician, lawyer, physician. ~ buile, mire, madman. ~ ceannais, cinn, foreman, leader. ~ cnámh, na gcnámh, bone-setter. ~ dóiteáin, fireman. ~ faire, watcher, sentinel. ~ feasa, seer, soothsayer. ~ feidhme, agent, servant. ~ fiaigh, seilge, huntsman. ~ foirne, crewman; team-mate. ~ freastail, friothála, attendant, server. ~ gunna, gunman; fowler. ~ ionaid, deputy. ~ ionaid Chríost, Christ’s vicar. ~ léinn, learned man, scholar. ~ oibre, workman. ~ pá, tuarastail, journeyman. ~ paca, packman. ~ poist, postman. ~ siúil, itinerant; tramp. ~ sleáin, sluaiste, spáide, slanesman, shoveller, spadesman. ~ teaghlaigh, family man. ~ teanga, interpreter. ~ tí, householder; head of household; master of ceremonies. F: ~ na dtithe, the housing inspector. An F~ Thuas, the man above, God. An F~ Thíos, an ~ dubh, ~ na n-adharc, ~ na gcrúb, the Devil. An ~ thall, the other fellow; one’s neighbour. Súil ag an bh~ thall ar an bh~ abhus, everybody watching everybody else. ~ mar chách, ordinary man. ~ an mhisnigh, the courageous man. Is mór an ~ grinn, spóirt, é, he is a great humorist, sportsman. Casadh ~ a mhúinte air, he met his master. Ní raibh ~ mo thrua le fáil, there was no man to pity me. ~ dá fhocal é, he is a man of his word. ~ déanta brící, brickmaker. ~ díolta páipéar, news-vendor. ~ iompair ualaigh, burden-bearer. ~ (inste) scéil, storyteller; bringer of news. Ba mhaith an ~ scéil tú, that would be wonderful news (if it should come to pass). Taobh na bh~, the men’s side; the male line. Le saol na bh~, (i) since men began, (ii) for ages to come. S.a. claí, luibh, lus, páirt 2, scéal 3. (b) Oifigigh agus fir, officers and men. An saoiste agus a chuid ~, the ganger and his men. Chuaigh na fir ar stailc, the men went on strike. (c) Bheith i d’fhear, to be, to act like, a man. Rinne sé ~ de, it made a man of him. Bhí sé ina fhear acu uile, he was a match for all of them. An ~ maith a fháil ar dhuine, to get the better of s.o. Ní thabharfainn an ~ maith d’aon duine acu, I would yield to no man among them. ~ mór a dhéanamh díot féin, to act the great fellow. (d) (Of race of men) Fir Bolg, Firbolgs. Fir Éireann, the men of Ireland, Irishmen. S.a. buí3 4, dearg2 1, gorm2 2. (e) Geog: Fir Manach, Fermanagh. (f) (Of piece in board game) ~ fichille, táiplise, chessman, draughtsman. (g) (Of figure representing a man) ~ bréige, falsa, scarecrow. ~ sneachta, snowman. (h) Toil: Fir, Gentlemen. (i) (gs. used attributively) Leanbh fir, male child. Oibrí fir, working man. Fathach fir, giant of a man. (j) (gs. & gpl. used descriptively) Culaith fir, man’s suit. Éadach ~, men’s clothing. 2. Husband. S.a. céile 1. 3. (Of men, boys) One. ~ de na fir, de na buachaillí, de na saighdiúirí, one of the men, of the boys, of the soldiers. ~ de Bhrianach, de na Brianaigh, an O’Brien, one of the O’Briens.
fear2, v.t. (pp. ~tha). 1. Grant, provide. Fáilte a fhearadh roimh dhuine, to accord a welcome to s.o. 2. Pour out, give forth, shed. Ag ~adh na ndeor, shedding tears. D’fhear sé a fhearg orthu, he vented his anger on them. D’fhear sé sneachta trom, there was a heavy fall of snow. 3. Wage. Cogadh a fhearadh, to wage war. ~adh cath eatarthu, a battle was fought between them. 4. Perform, execute; hold, observe. Lit: ~adh aonach leo, a fair was held by them. D’fhear sé cleas, he performed a feat. ~adh a chluiche caointe, his funeral rites were held. 5. Affect; benefit. Bhí an deoch ag ~adh air, the drink was taking effect on him. Tá sé ag ~adh air le fada, it has been affecting him for a long time. Is gairid go mbeidh a chlann ag ~adh air, his children will soon be a help to him. 6. Excrete.
fear-3, pref. Man-, male; manly, he-
An fear atáthar a dhaoradh, the man who is being condemned.
An fear a chuireann síol, the man who sows seed.
An fear a bhfuil a mhac ag imeacht, the man whose son is going away.
Ní deir sin nach fear maith é, that does not mean that he is not a good man.
Fear ~, an able-bodied man.
Bean nach n-admhódh a fear féin, a woman who would not acknowledge her own husband.
Tá sé ina fhear uasal acu, they look on him as a gentleman.
~ fir, craggy, powerful, man.
2. Fear ~, undressed, unarmed, man.
Fear darb ~ Brian, a man named Brian.
Fear (de) d’~, a man of your name; your namesake.
Is fear de d’~, ar d’~, é, he is a namesake of yours.
Fear de d’~, a man of your inches.
Tá ~ cinn san fhear sin, that man is clever.
Fear airgid, a rich man.
Fir agus mná agus ní áirím páistí, men and women, not to speak of children.
An fear sin go h~, that man in particular.
An fear ab ~e liom, the man I liked best.
Fear a ~e, his successor, his substitute.
Fear ~, well-acquainted, well-known, man.
Fear (atá) ar m’~, a man I know.
Ní aithníonn fear an tsaibhris leath a ghaolta, the rich man does not acknowledge acquaintance with half his relatives.
Fear (atá) ar m’~, a man I know.
Fear ~, well-known man.
Tá sé ina fhear ~ anois, he is a full-grown man now.
An fear ~, the man who is going, has just gone, out.
Fear breá ~ é, he is a fine man altogether.
An fear ~, the man without; the man next door.
Tá fear an tí ~, the man of the house is out, not at home.
An fear, the man.
Is breá an fear é, he is a fine man.
An fear seo, this man.
Chonaic mé an fear romham, I saw (to my surprise) a man in front of me.
Deoch an fear, a drink for each man.
Fear gan anam gan ~, a man without spirit or strength. (Of horse)
An fear ~, the man who is coming across.
An fear ~, the man (approaching) from the west.
An fear ~, the man who is coming up.
Bhí fear ~ fadó, there was a man long ago.
In ~ fir, mná, of (full) age.
~ fhear déag, eleven men.
Fear ó ~, man far from friends; stray person.
Cuid an ~ fear déag, an ~ fir déag, the eleventh man’s share.
Bhí sé ar an dara fear a tháinig isteach, he was the second man who came in.
Fear ar d’ainm, ar do chosúlacht, a man of your name, appearance.
Tá aire na hoifige, fostú na bhfear, air, he has to attend to the office, employ the men.
Ar cheann na bhfear, an cholúin, leading the men, the column.
Tá ~ bhreá fir air, he has a fine manly appearance.
Fear ~, tall man.
Fear as Corcaigh, a man from Cork.
Ba é sin eagla na h~ dó, that was a very real fear with him.
Ar eagla a gcaillte, for fear of losing them.
Is ~ liom, I fear.
Ní ~ duit titim, go dtitfidh tú, you are in no danger of falling, you need not fear that you will fall.
Tá eagla a bháis air (roimh thaibhsí, go mbuailfear é), he is in mortal fear (of ghosts, that he will be beaten).
Tá mé beag ~, beag de bheann, air; is beag mo bheann air, I have little regard for, little fear of, him.
~ an drochmhadra agus ní heagal duit an dea-mhadra, mollify the wicked and you need not fear the strong.
Bhuail eagla, náire, é, he was struck with fear, with shame.
Chuir sé a eagla i gcéill dóibh, he impressed his fear upon them.
Bhí eagla a choirp air, he was in bodily fear.
Bheith ar crith i do chraiceann, to be quaking with fear.
Bhí eagla a chraicinn air romhainn, he was in mortal fear of us.
Chreathnaigh sé ó bhun go barr, he trembled all over with fear.
Ar ~ le heagla, le fuacht, trembling with fear, with cold.
Dhoirt anró agus eagla orthu, hardship and fear descended on them.
~í eagla, twinges of fear, the creeps.
Géilleadh do dhubh gach eagla, always to fear the worst.
Is ~ liom (go), I fear (that).
Ní h~ dó nach dtiocfaidh sé, there is no fear that he won’t come.
Déanfaidh sé é, ní h~ dó, he will do it, never fear!
Bheith faoi ~ ruda, to be in fear of sth.
Bhuail ~ é, he was seized with fear.
~ Dé, an Tiarna, the fear of God, of the Lord.
~ an bháis, na tine, na tubaiste, fear of death, of the fire, of disaster.
~ a athar, roimh a athair, fear of his father.
Ar ~, le h~, ruda, for fear of sth.
Ar ~ go, for fear that, lest.
Ar ~ a dhóite, for fear he should get burned.
Ní thitfidh mé, ná bíodh ~ ort, I won’t fall, never fear.
Rud a eaglú do dhuine, to make s.o. fear, beware of, sth.
Tús na h~ eagla an Tiarna, wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord.
Ní ligfeadh an ~ dó dul amach san oíche, fear wouldn’t let him go out at night.
Ar fhaitíos na timpiste, for fear of accident.
(Le) ~, ar fhaitíos, go, for fear that, lest.
Ar eagla na ~ thuas, for fear of the wrath to come; to be morally on the safe side.
Chuaigh ag an bh~ ar an bhfaitíos aige, desire overcame his fear; his eagerness got the better of him.
Gan ~ gan faitíos, without disinclination or fear, without hesitation.
Ghlac eagla, náire, trua, é, fear, shame, pity, seized him.
I n~ (an bháis), in constant fear (of death).
Ar eagla go mbeinn déanach, for fear (that) I should be late.
Ghabh ~ agus eagla iad, they were seized with horror and fear.
I n~ ag an eagla, in the grip of fear.
Is ~ liom (go), I fear (that).
Ar eagla a láimhe, for fear of his hand, of his power or authority.
Ar crith le heagla, quaking with fear.
4. (De) ~, lest, for fear that.
~ na bréige, an dearmaid, for fear of falsehood, of mistakes.
Gan ~ gan eagla, without fear or dread; boldly, undauntedly.
Fágadh ~tha leis an eagla iad, they were left numbed with fear.
~ eagla, paroxysm of fear.
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