~ gach drochscéil i bhfad uainn, God preserve us from all harm.
Dá n-ólfadh, ~ an buidéal, ní dhéanfadh sé aon cheo air, if he did drink it, even the whole bottle, it would do him no harm.
D’~ a dhéanamh, to harm, to work evil for, oneself.
Dia idir sinn agus an ~, God between us and all harm.
Coimrí m’~a ar Dhia! God keep me from harm!
Cuirfidh sé é féin in ~, he will come to harm.
Níl ~ olc iontu, there is no harm in them.
I bhfad ó bhaile uainn an t-olc is an anachain; Dia dár réiteach i bhfad ó bhaile, God keep us from all harm.
An mhaith, an t-olc, an bhrí, a bhaint as rud, to take the good, the harm, the strength, out of sth.
Níl dochar labhairt leo, it is no harm to speak to them.
Ní dhearnadh ~ air, no great harm was done to him, to it.
Créatúr nár choirigh is nár cháin, a harmless creature, a poor fellow who did neither hurt nor harm (to anyone).
Níor chás duit braon tae a thabhairt dó, it would be no harm for you to give him a drop of tea.
Duine a choimeád ó bhaol, to keep s.o. from harm.
Níl ~ ann, there is no harm in him.
Sinn a chosaint ó bhaol, ar olc, to protect us from harm, from evil.
Nach ~ta atá tú leis! What harm is it doing you?
Tú féin a chrosadh (in aghaidh urchóide), to make the sign of the cross on oneself (against harm).
Níl aon ~ ann, it is no harm.
Dochar, scrios, a dhéanamh, to do, cause, harm, destruction.
Dochar a dhéanamh do rud, to do harm to sth.
Ní dhéanfaidh sé donas ná ~ duit, it will neither harm nor distress you.
~ choirp, anama, bodily, spiritual, harm.
Gan ~ gan dochar, without hurt or harm.
Ní haon ~ é a dhéanamh, it is no harm to do it; it is just as well to do it.
Cad é an ~ (ach)? What harm (but)?
1. ~ a dhéanamh do dhuine, do rud, to harm s.o., sth.
Rachaidh sé chun dochair don tír, it will bring harm on the country.
Ní dhéanfaidh braon beag ~ duit, a little drop won’t harm you.
~ a chur i rud, to mean harm by sth.; to read harm into sth.
Níl ~ ann, there is no harm in it.
Níl ~ déanta, there is no harm done; it is nothing.
Gan ~ duit, without wishing you any harm.
Ní ~ a rá (go), there is no harm in saying (that); one might well say (that).
An bhfuil ~ (dom) a fhiafraí (díot)? Is there any harm in (my) asking (you)?
Tá an bainne, an brachán, ~e, the harm is done, offence has been given.
~ a dhéanamh, to do harm; to cause distress.
~ a bheith agat do dhuine, to intend s.o. harm.
Chomh ~ is nach ndéanfaidh sé aon dochar dó, provided he does not harm it.
Ní dhéanfaidh sé ~ ort, it won’t harm you one bit. (In intensifying phrases)
Ar ~ a ndearnadh de dhochar duit, for all the harm that was done to you.
~im agus coisricim thú! God preserve you from harm!
Níl ~ ar bith sa duine bocht, there is no harm in the poor fellow.
Ná bain do gheis agus ní bhainfidh ~ duit, leave forbidden things alone and they cannot harm you.
Dúirt tú focal a ghortaigh é, you made a remark that hurt him. (Of harm, damage)
Níl dochar i mbraon de, a drop of it does no harm.
~ uainn an urchóid, keep us out of harm’s way.
Ní dhéanfaidh sé ~ dochair duit, it will do you no harm whatever.
Díobháil a leasú, to undo harm,